
H-E-B COVID-19 Changes

by Ashleigh Doan

The last year has been crazy and unexpected to say the least.H-E-B quickly adjusted to the CDC guidelines and regulations and had the store open throughout the entire pandemic. Being an essential worker during tough times like this, was a challenge, but also a rewarding one. H-E-B is known for taking good care of their partners and doing anything they can to help out. H-E-B partners were awarded with “Texas Proud Pay” meaning we were getting an extra $2 an hour. This lasted for about 6 months until things started to look like they were calming down. Once the Texas proud pay was taken away, partners were awarded with an extra $500 added to their upcoming paycheck. This was H-E-B’s way of saying ‘thank you for all the hard work you’ve done throughout these tough times.’ They also decided to conduct performance reviews a couple months early, meaning our raise would kick into effect sooner.

“HEB really took care of us during the start of the pandemic, the $500 bonus and early pay raise really made a difference for my family.” – Michael Gracia

H-E-B has been taking all the proper precautions from the beginning. At every register there are at least two hand sanitizers. One is on the side for the customer, and another is on the side for the cashier and bagger. There are social distancing stickers placed 6 feet apart in every checkout lane and spread out throughout the store. There are also multiple plexiglass shields, in front of and behind the register as well as on both sides of the bagging area. All cash payments now must be slid on the counter through the plexiglass cash slot, to ensure there is no contact while transferring bills. Customers are also asked to wait on the red sticker behind the plexiglass until the bagger has finished placing all of their groceries inside the basket. H-E-B’s number one priority is safety for their partners and customers.

At the beginning of the pandemic, H-E-B implemented a new position amongst partners, called sanitation. There is now a position dedicated to deep cleaning registers, bathrooms, aisles and any major touch points throughout the store. There is also a sanitation greeter at the three entrances. This person’s job is to spray down the carts while parking lot assistants bring them in. They also are in charge of wiping down electric carts and red baskets after each use and offering customers without a mask, if they would like one.

At H-E-B, we currently are still enforcing the mandatory mask mandate, meaning you must wear a mask, over your nose, while in the store at all times. However, as partners working in the store, we are not allowed to deny a person without a mask, from coming in. We simply will offer them a complementary disposable mask to which they can reply yes or no.

Throughout the pandemic, there have been a lot of angry customers who don’t understand what’s going on. They don’t understand the reason for rules at the register changing. They don’t understand why the shelves are empty. They don’t understand that we as cashiers, have no control over product limits. This makes it hard for us, being essential workers, with customers not wanting to cooperate with our rules, even if it is following the CDC guidelines. I have co-workers who have felt unsafe or unappreciated by some customers, because of the way they have acted towards the changes in our rules or being upset about product limits.


In the break room upstairs, there is a bulletin board covered with informative flyers. There is a dry-erase board with the last known confirmed case of COVID-19 amongst coworkers in our store. It also says when the person worked last. By including this, it helps partners feel a sense of relief in knowing our HR team is on top of keeping everyone informed and safe. There are multiple informative flyers explaining how H-E-B is helping and different ways you can protect yourself, as well as how to find the correct resources. When in the break room, partners are required to continue to wear their mask, unless they are sitting at a table eating. The tables and chairs have also been re-arranged to be 6 feet apart.

If a partner is getting a COVID test, they are required to inform the HR member assigned to the store. Once the results are received, you also are required to contact them. If you test negative, you are eligible to return to work the next day. If you test positive, another member of the HR team will contact you. Throughout your 2 weeks of quarantine, they will call to check in and see how you are doing. The partner will be paid their 10-week average for the 2 weeks they miss.

As things are getting better, H-E-B is continuing to follow the CDC guidelines to ensure both customers and partners safety. For more information on how H-E-B is adjusting to COVID-19 regulations click here